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Set for energy treatment by colour


Product Weight: 0.0070

Product SKU: SUBAL-37

        Set for energy treatment by colour

  • for energy treatment by colour
  • six coloured ring (50 rings for  each) pieces of self-adhesive tape: green, red, orange, yellow, white, black
  • simple to use
  • safe and easy to use for children and adults

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A set for the byol-chakras therapy is meant for energy-based treatment by the colours, and to facilitate insertion of needles.

The coloured rings should be taken from the base and fixed in the area of chakras. In order to tonify a byol-chakra energy, one should use the colour of the energy that controls this chakra. For sedation the color is chosen according to the axes theory or Six Energies interaction functions.

An opening in the centre of the ring is required to insert a needle for acting on the vertical spin of a byol-chakra.

In order to act on the sagittal or frontal spins of byol-chakras needles should be installed along the periphery of a coloured ring.


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